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Punched T Post

Punched T Post

Item No.: Punched T Post

Characteristics for punched t post:
♦ T design resists bending
♦ Heavier and stronger than U posts
♦ Swaged anchor plates give posts stability
♦ Rail steel naturally resistant to weathering
♦ Easy to drive into ground - no holes to dig
♦ Strong holding power for any type of fence
♦ Galvanized posts meet Federal Highway specs with superior rust resistance
♦ Studs prevent fence fabric from riding up or down the post
♦ Fence fabric attached securely to post by pre-formed metal clips
♦ Anchor plates cold forged to post


Steel T Fence Post With Holes

Characteristics for punched t post:
♦ T design resists bending
♦ Heavier and stronger than U posts
♦ Swaged anchor plates give posts stability
♦ Rail steel naturally resistant to weathering
♦ Easy to drive into ground - no holes to dig
♦ Strong holding power for any type of fence
♦ Galvanized posts meet Federal Highway specs with superior rust resistance
♦ Studs prevent fence fabric from riding up or down the post
♦ Fence fabric attached securely to post by pre-formed metal clips
♦ Anchor plates cold forged to post

Punched T Post


Punched t post is was widly used as below:

♦ Highway fence
♦ Boundary marker
♦ Snow fence support
♦ Farm and field fence
♦ Tree and shrub support
♦ Deer and wildlife fence
♦ Sand fence for dune maintenance
♦ Landfill and construction site fence

Punched T Post

Specifications for punched t post:

Punched T Post

Punched T Post

Punched T Post